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No feminino

November 27, 2019


Collectif show in Galeria Fonseca Macedo

Alice Albergaria Borges, Beatriz Brum, Catarina Branco, Cristina Ataíde, Isabel Madureira Andrade, Manuela Marques, Maria Ana Vasco Costa, Sandra Rocha, Sofia Caetano. 

Exposição Estação meteorologica in the best of the year 2019 by Newspaper Publico

December 19, 2019



Entre o peso da história e o medo do fim

Interrogando a história da arte, tremendo pelo futuro do planeta, construindo práticas identitárias ou adoptando uma postura generosa perante o meio artistico — assim foi o ano de 2019.

Luísa Soares de Oliveira

Toronto Art Fair

October 29, 2019


Vasco Barata, AnaMary Bilbao, Mauro Cerqueira, Claire de Santa Coloma, Rita Ferreira, Henrique Pavao, Silvestre Pestana, Hernani Reis Baptista, Sandra Rocha, Jonathan Uliel Saldanha, Ana Santos Flavia Vieira

Curated by João Ribas

50 ans de photographie française de 1970 à nos jours. Michel Poivert

November 05, 2019

Première synthèse sur la photographie française de ces 50 dernières années, cette somme de 416 pages est signée de Michel Poivert, historien majeur de la photographie. Trois cent images et autant d'auteurs sont présentés grâce à des portfolios construits comme des expositions. Ce livre de référence vient combler un manque criant. Sa couverture en tissu rouge vermillon en fait un très bel écrin.

Festival Fuso: Para que servem as pedras senão para serem deslocadas?

October 17, 2019

Created in 2009, FUSO is the only festival with an ongoing national and international video art program in Lisbon.

Para que servem as pedras senão para serem deslocadas?

Sandra Rocha

Curator: Jean-François Chougnet | Session: Open Call – Screening of competition finalists

An urge to move rocks which, precisely because of their symbolic weight, place themselves in our way. To do it with the strength of an archaic giant who would challenge and finally win the battle with the gods; or with human strength which, in the end would trick those same gods, avenging Sisyphus, freeing him from this eternal punishment: the punishment of being a man, a woman, mortal.

Théatre de Montreuil

August 31, 2019

Collaboration avec Change Is Good à l'image graphique de la Saison 2019-2020 du Nouveau Théâtre de Montreuil.


July 31, 2019

What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

In the Azores, it is common to experience what feels like all four seasons in a single day. For “Weather Station,” Manuela Marques and Sandra Rocha inhabit the roles of artist, meteorologist, and geologist in order to explore the islands’ topography and history. In the exhibition’s first room is Rocha’s Escuta (Listen) (all works cited, 2019)—a wall-spanning grid of sixty photographs, taken during a three-minute window, of the white and blue swirls of coastal waters. Projected on the opposite wall is Marques’s R.A.S, a graphic projection based on seismic records registered by the local volcanology center, its undulating lines moving upward like a waterfall in reverse. While these works attempt to tune in to the tumult of the natural world, they also evince the elusive control humans seek over nature by using the orderly language of rectilinear arrangements and scientific measurement.

Marques’s photographic series “Surface Sensible 1–5,” displayed in the show’s second room, depicts sets of crumpled, mountainous sheets of iridescent cellophane in local environments, a visual metaphor for the indented features of a volcano. Close by is Point de fuite (Vanishing Point), a photograph of a man standing in front of a lake that reflects the surrounding greenery, vivifying Caspar David Friedrich’s theme of introspection in nature with its lush palette. In the third gallery, occupied solely by Rocha’s work, a series of large dark prints, “Pinturas monstruosas da baleia” (Monstrous Whale Paintings), portrays the almost imperceptible silhouettes of sleeping sperm whales—common visitors to the islands, where, in the late ’80s, whaling was slowly replaced by whale watching. The exhibition creates a space where the body, like a delicate weather vane, filters the subtle geological and atmospheric variations of this peculiar territory.

— Cristina Sanchez-Kozyreva

Weather Station, Centre d'art contemporain des Açores

July 09, 2019


Weather Station

12 Jul – 06 Jan 2020

Artists| Manuela Marques, Sandra Rocha

Curated by| Sérgio Mah

Weather Station is an exhibition of photographic and video works by Sandra Rocha (Angra do Heroísmo, 1974) and Manuela Marques (Tondela, 1959), two artists with solid careers who, besides their personal and artistic affinities, have often explored the Azores in their work, delving into its territory, memory, its elements, the experience of its places and the conditions of its exuberant and ineffable landscape.

About two years ago, the two artists started planning an encounter: more than a dialogue, they wanted to explore the possibility of confronting two distinct but complementary ways of producing a work about this place, this multiform and floating land that defies the volatile nature of things and of their perceptibility. 

Sandra Rocha turned her gaze outwards, focusing on the boundaries of the islands and on the vastness of the sea. In this ”outward gaze”, the relationship with the cetaceans stands out, the domain of countless memories and narratives essential to discern the multiple symbolic and historical reverberations associated with this archipelago. Conjugating two subjective and poetic creative universes, Weather Station is the result of this intimate and parallel negotiation. In these images by Manuela Marques and Sandra Rocha, we discover insightful gazes on the peculiar and unique nature of a land animated by a conflagration of times and movements.

Sérgio Mah


Artic Blues

June 21, 2019

les Ateliers des Capucins, à Brest, présentent la richesse de ces dialogues entre art et science, entre artistes et chercheurs. Citons les plasticiens Sandrine Paumelle et Jean-Pierre Aubé, les photographes Jean Gaumy, Erwan Amice, Benjamin Deroche, Sandra Rocha et Juliette Paulet.

30 ans de Filiigranes na galerie les filles du Calvaire

June 25, 2019

Exposition collective des auteurs de Filigrannes á la galerie fille du Calvaire.

Couverture Cahier du cinéma Mai 2019

May 15, 2019

Couverture Cahier du cinéma Mai 2019! Spécial Cannes.

APPELTON SQUARE BOX: Para que servem as Pedras senão para serem deslocadas?

March 06, 2019

An urge to move rocks which, precisely because of their symbolic weight, place themselves in our way. To do it with the strength of an archaic giant who would challenge and finally win the battle with the gods; or with human strength which, in the end would trick those same gods, avenging Sisyphus, freeing him from this eternal punishment: the punishment of being a man, a woman, mortal.                                                                                    Uma vontade de mover pedras que, precisamente pelo seu pelo peso simbólico, se interpõem no nosso caminho. Fazê-lo com a força de um gigante arcaico que desafiasse e finalmente vencesse os deuses; ou com a força de um humano que, finalmente, enganasse esses mesmos deuses vingando Sísifo, libertando-o do seu castigo eterno : o castigo de ser homem, de ser mulher, de ser mortal. 

Photographier Paris, nouveaux regards sur la ville

November 07, 2018

Photographier Paris, nouveaux regards sur la ville

Hôtel de Ville

Du 8 novembre 2018 au 5 janvier 2019, l'Hôtel de Ville accueille une exposition dédiée à la nouvelle scène de la photographie contemporaine.

À l’occasion du lancement de Paris Photo, Foire internationale de photographie d’art, Paris devient, chaque année en novembre, la capitale mondiale de la photographie. En parallèle, cette année, la Ville de Paris a choisi de mettre en avant la jeune création photographique, au travers d’une exposition consacrée à la scène émergente, et d’un espace de rencontres où amateurs et professionnels de la photographie pourront se rencontrer et échanger. Avec cette exposition, la Ville de Paris réaffirme son attachement à la photographie. 

L’exposition dessine un nouveau visage d’une cité vivante et plurielle, à travers les regards de seize artistes de tous horizons. Dans une diversité d’écritures, ils s’attachent à la Ville ou à ses bordures, de manière décalée, inattendue, insolite. Tous travaillent avec cette matière foisonnante que sont ses habitants, son architecture, ses événements, son urbanité. Tous ont l’ambition d’un regard original, drôle ou grave, mélancolique ou coloré, chaotique ou silencieux.

"Cette exposition révèle le regard neuf, vif et feutré d’une nouvelle génération de photographes dont les clichés captent le quotidien des Parisiens. En accueillant à l’Hôtel de Ville de Paris ces photographies, nous mettons en lumière les multiples vies qui se juxtaposent et se croisent dans une ville qui a toujours fasciné et inspiré les photographes du monde entier" souligne Christophe Girard, adjoint à la Maire de Paris chargé de la culture.

Le commissariat est assuré par Anna Planas et Pierre Hourquet, directeurs artistiques et commissaires indépendants, ainsi que Fannie Escoulen, commissaire d’exposition indépendante pour de nombreuses manifestations et institutions photographiques.

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Inauguration exposition

12 Jul 2017

8:00 PM

Inauguration de l'exposition "la chaleur du corps", photographies et vidéo.

Rua Guilherme Poças Falcão, 21
9500-057 - Ponta Delgada
São Miguel - Açores

Exposition "Dérives des baigneuses"

15 Jun 2017

Festival Portrait(s) Vichy

Exposition "Dérives des baigneuses" à VICHY jusqu'au 10 septembre.

07 Jul 2017

6:00 PM

Summertime #3 : les signatures du samedi

Signature de "La vie immédiate! aux éditions Loco et "derives des baigneuses" chez Filigrane.

Place Honoré Clair, Arles

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